Member of Board of Directors of South Hayward Parish (Terri Owen)

Purpose:  As one facet of social activism that reflects our shared passions and principles, this position maintains our congregation’s connection with the South Hayward Parish (SHP). SHP is a nonprofit organization dedicated  to providing a variety of social and educational services in Southern Alameda County, including a food pantry and homeless services.SHP

Membership and Meetings:  Our church is a member congregation of SHP, and all members of the congregation are members as well. The SHP Board Members are appointed by our church to serve. There is one Board meeting each month, and one general membership meeting each year.


  • Attend meetings of the SHP Board of Directors
  • Participate in SHP fundraising
  • Participate fully in other activities of the SHP Board of Directors
  • At least once each quarter, remind the congregation about the purpose of SHP, its needs, any important recent events, and upcoming events in which the congregation can help