We depend on our church to renew our spiritual lives. In turn, Starr King UU Church is completely dependent on the generosity of its members. While we receive guidance and assistance from our national and regional organizations, they don’t give us money – in fact, we give them money. Your donations keep our lights on and programs running.
Donate with the Giving app
“Giving” is part of Starr King’s online platform, accessible through a mobile app or website. You can conveniently manage your donations to the church, from the Church Center platform where you might also manage other church-related activities like groups and event registrations.
Note you may also make a one-time donation through Giving as a guest. Giving is considered a safe payment method, using the Stripe payment system which offers PCI Service Provider Level 1 security.
Other ways to donate to Starr King:
Give through Zelle

If your bank or credit union supports Zelle, you can donate to the church very easily with no fee to you or the church.
- Find out if your bank or credit union supports Zelle.
- Tell Zelle to send the money to
- They will see our treasurer as the account holder.
- Contact our treasurer with any questions:
Note: if you just have the Zelle app (not through your bank or credit union) that is not supported at this time.
Make a contribution through PayPal

You can choose to donate through PayPal.
Send a Check
You can always send a paper check. Make it out to Starr King UU Church and mail it to 22577 Bayview Ave, Hayward, CA 94541.
Bill Schwab Memorial and Endowment Fund
Over the years, interest from the Memorial and Endowment Fund has paid for many major repairs and improvements to the church building and grounds. Contributions to this fund can be made at any time, but consideration of the fund is especially suitable when preparing one’s will or remembering a loved one.
Gifts and endowments to the fund are set aside in income producing investments, the proceeds from which can be used only for the repair and improvement of church property or for mortgage redemption. No funds have ever been taken from the principal. Access to the principal requires a two-thirds majority vote of the membership.
Please arrange donations by emailing
Other Donations
Any other monetary contributions, whether in the Sunday collection basket, the coffee jar, delivered by US mail, or slipped under the door, will be very cheerfully accepted. The church is generally well-supplied with furniture, kitchenware, decorations, toys, etc. and much less well-supplied with storage space! Before donating any objects, email to make sure your contribution is useful. Please don’t just drop off items!