Category: Blog

Revision of UU Values

If you’ve been hanging out with Unitarian Universalists lately, you may have heard some chat about “Article II.” It might sound abstract or dry, but Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s bylaws is about what it means to be UU: our sources, principles, values, and commitments. So no wonder it’s been on our minds! … Continue reading Revision of UU Values

How to Handle Email Scams

Churches of all denominations are targets for scams, especially the ones that use our trusting and helpful nature against us. We want to remind our Starr King community that nobody from the church, including our minister, will ever ask you for money or gift cards or make vague requests for help that require you to … Continue reading How to Handle Email Scams

Why Are We Partying This Stewardship Season?

WHY ARE WE PARTYING THIS STEWARDSHIP SEASON? Great question!   Community is a vital and precious aspect of our church life. Whenever we poll the congregation, Community ranks very high as an important blessing for each member.  Community means shared values, coming together for worship, and caring for one another, our children and the earth.  Community … Continue reading Why Are We Partying This Stewardship Season?

We Count What Matters

DRUUMM 2023 Census Survey DRUUMM — Diverse and Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries — is the oldest and largest Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) collective in Unitarian Universalism. DRUUMM organized in 1997 for mutual support and to advance an anti-racist, intersectional, multicultural faith. In August of 2023, DRUMM launched a pilot program to … Continue reading We Count What Matters

Stewardship Season Begins

Stewardship – the protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving. Something precious. Have you noticed a new energy in our church?  I have.  You can see it in budding flowers and budding bushes, cottage meetings, congregational conversation sessions, laughing out of doors, singing without masks, and laughing at jokes from the pulpit, to … Continue reading Stewardship Season Begins