The Board of Trustees met twice in March. At our invitation, PCD Executive Josh Searle-White attended our March 6th board meeting to help us sort out feelings and questions following Rev. Katie’s resignation.
Josh guided us through the UUA Transition path and shared the benefits of an Interim Minister. We spoke openly about our choices and concerns. In closing, Josh gave us this advice; “Nothing has to happen immediately; the board should take some time to digest the news of Katie’s leaving before deciding which path to take next”.
The Board took the next two weeks to absorb the recommendations; talking to each other about our responsibilities to the congregation, sharing our hopes and fears.
It was at our next meeting that we came together to vote on the next steps. We held this special meeting knowing that we have a deadline of April 17th to apply for an Interim Minister. At this meeting, the board members present voted unanimously to hire an Interim Minister. We agreed that the work of an Interim Minister was too important not to consider.
The Board will ask the Committee on Ministry to work with us on the Interim application as well as forming the committee that will welcome and support our transition Minister. I will continue to update the blog on our web-site as things progress.
As a Leader, I do not have all the answers. I rely on the support from our board members, past and present to help guide me through these difficult decisions. My hope is that you all feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and concerns with members of our congregation as we move into the next generation of Starr King.
Other Board items that were approved:
• The Board voted to accept the Financial Review that was completed by Beth Ogilvie, Stuart Fink, and Frank Burton.
• Our Facilities Use Agreement was amended to add these words to Section D: In the event of injuries or accidents on church premises, user shall notify the church office by the next business day or as soon as possible.
• The Committee on Ministry recommended inviting two new members. The board approved.
In Fellowship
Colleen Dino
Board President