Hello fellow members of the Starr King UU Church. I am Diana Dickerson and your incoming President of the Board of Trustees. I feel very privileged to have been chosen by you to fill the gigantic shoes of our outgoing President, Colleen Dino.
These past two years Colleen has been training me for my new responsibilities. She has been both demanding and supportive. I couldn’t have asked for a more able teacher. Thank you Colleen!
As you all know, we are very busy now with the teaching and training we are receiving from Rev. Joy Atkinson and our Search Committee is readying for the big job of finding us a new settled minister. We will also continue to work together to maintain our facilities, improve where we need to, and to grow both support and friendship amongst the congregation.
This year we are going to have three representatives at GA; Jo Murdach, Beth Ogilvie, and Bob Simoni. I can’t wait to hear about their experiences in Portland, Oregon.
With the help of Kirk Klausmeyer and his sister, the graphic artist, we are continuing to attempt to make our church easier to find. We are looking for more contrast to make it easier to read, reflective material to make it visible at night, and trying to get our curb painted red so parked vehicles can’t block all of our efforts to be seen. Walt Korus has been taming our plants in the front area. Stay tuned for more on information on ‘Sign Time.’
I am very excited to be working with so many terrific people in keeping our church and its families happy and healthy for all of us. Do not hesitate to speak to me or any board member if there is something we should know about or work on.