President’s Report

Greetings, I keep hearing that the summer months are slow. Which summer was that? I know the leadership of SKUUC are all very busy and have been for quite a long while.

Walt Korus and Collin Carroll have completed our fire abatement with the help of two workers from the day labor center in Hayward. It feels good to know that we are in compliance with the county recommendations.

Thanks to Garald Mosher, we will soon have our parking lot resealed and restriped. At this time we do not have a firm date. As soon as we have that, we will get the word out about when we will have to keep that area vacant for the work and the drying time.

The board is working on having a list of people we could contact to take care of issues that come up that would be handled by our ‘Building Maintenance Committee’ if we had one. At this point in time it is not active due to the difficulty of finding people with the time and willingness to be on the committee. If we can compile a list of occasionally willing and able folks and their particular strengths, we could call for help when needed. We are asking for occasional helpers and compiling a list at our next meeting. Please let a board member know if you are able to help out.

It is sad that two of our members died recently, Jody Distler-Dill and Pat Kellner. They will both be missed. Rev. Joy left her vacation behind to do both memorial services. She did a wonderful job. Sherry Thomas and Colleen Saia coordinated the refreshments with great skill. Betsy Dye did a great job with the sound for Pat Kellner’s memorial service. I really appreciate my fellow Starr King members who continue to keep the bar so high.


In Fellowship,

Diana Dickerson

Board President