As usual, our church has been busy, busy, busy. There always seems to be more to do. We have so many irons in the fire it is hard to keep track of it all.
Reverend Joy is leaving us after her sermon on July 3, 2016. She has been so fabulous in helping us to find our way while looking for a new settled minister, I am amazed at her energy and commitment. We will have a special Coffee Hour after the service to thank her for spending the last two years with us and to bid her adieu. If you have plans for that holiday weekend, please take a few minutes to speak with Rev. Joy the week before.
Even as she is preparing to go, she took on the job of having a class for Building Your Own Theology. Although I took this course fairly recently, with Rev. Katie and Intern Sharon Wiley, I decided to take another look at where I am in my journey. This has been a wonderful experience. The group is terrific and Rev. Joy has been bringing some interesting material to the group and keeping us on track to write our own credos by the last week of the course.
The Worship Committee has been working like crazy to fill our worship schedule with a variety of pulpit guests for the summer months. We are very fortunate to have such a well-trained and energetic group of people to perform this task each year. I am looking forward to being there to enjoy the results of their efforts.
Rev. Dr. Maria Cristina Vlassidis Burgoa is scheduled to arrive on August 15th. Her first sermon as our newly settled ministry will be on September 4, 2016. That is the Labor Day weekend. I hope that it will be well attended to start Rev. Maria Cristina off on the right foot.
Thank you all,
Diana Dickerson