Ballot to Change the Memorial Endowment Fund Passes

The Board of Trustees wishes to thank ALL who voted…those who voted yes as well as those who voted no. Seventy-three (73) ballots were mailed to church members, 49 votes (yes) or 66.6%was need for approval. The result is as follows:

  • 58 voted Yes (88% of those voting)
  • 8 voted No (12% of those voting)

All voices matter; some of you were concerned that this was too open ended. We hear you. The Board assures the congregation that we will be transparent, responsible and accountable as is our Fiduciary (to hold in trust) responsibility. To that end: We will provide quarterly reports on The Fund’s performance and our Budget. As is our practice, the Congregation has the ultimate approval of the budget, including anticipated use of Endowment funds, at our Annual Meeting.

The approved Bylaw reads as follows:


(Changes are in italics.)

The Memorial and Endowment Fund is a fund set up to permit acceptance of gifts and endowments that are set aside in income producing investments. The fund and the proceeds accrued from that fund may be used for any purpose related to church operations, property improvement and repair, or mortgage redemption, including but not limited to, revenue for the church budget. Stipulation of this Article shall not preclude acceptance of property or endowment funds for other specified purposes.

This is a catalyst of funds to support our plans for the future – our ministry to each other and a world in need of our love and passion for justice.