New UU Statement of Values Passes

Big news from the recent annual General Assembly: the vote to change Article II passed!

Remind me what Article II is?

If you’re new to Unitarian Universalism, here’s a quick recap: UUs periodically check in to make sure our shared language reflects ways that our beliefs have evolved. Most recently, there has been a major project to change one of the bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Association, our central organization. “Bylaws” might sound boring, but Article II of the UUA bylaws is about what it means to be UU: our sources, principles, values, and commitments.

The vote on shared values

Voting took place after years of discussion and democratic processes, so there was a lot of build-up to this historic vote! The new expression of shared values needed a two-thirds vote to approve the change to Article II. And this weekend it passed with a vote of 2,025 (80.2 percent) to 499 (19.8 percent) with 21 abstaining. Our delegates were amongst those who voted!

What now?

The new values are Equity, Generosity, Interdependence, Justice, Pluralism, and Transformation, centered around Love. Fun fact: the logo for the new values was created by our very own Director of Family Ministry, Tanya Webster! Unitarian Universalists will continue to discuss these changes, and our church will too. The vote is part of an ongoing conversation about how UUs will represent our values. So keep checking in with our blog to find out what happens next!

Logo that lists the new UU values of Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Generosity, Justice, and Interdependence, with Love at the center over a flaming chalice.