Category: Bits From the Board

Andy’s Flaming Chalice – February Column

February greetings! I always enjoy February, a rather whimsical month of Aquarians and Pisceans that is leaping this year to a 29th day. February celebrates the mysterious prognostication of the Groundhog, the sturdy virtues of Presidents Lincoln and Washington, the romantic (if historically unattested) honoring of St. Valentine. February is named for the Latin term … Continue reading Andy’s Flaming Chalice – February Column

Andy’s Chalice – Plain Living

Greetings! Welcome to 2012. I love January’s quieter calendar, blander foods and relative lack of retail exhortation. I enjoy January’s refreshing regularity. Holiday expectations are a done deal; they were met, or they were unmet. Personally, I don’t make resolutions, so my January regimen is not cluttered with seasonal attempts at self-improvement. In my experience, … Continue reading Andy’s Chalice – Plain Living

Board Message – Andy Hansen

Hello, Starr King family and friends. I write this on August 14th, 2011. Seventy-six years ago today, Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. It was a great humanitarian piece of legislation and makes me proud. Yet, the shouting controversy over Social Security (and economic justice generally) has never much abated and … Continue reading Board Message – Andy Hansen