Flaming Chalice for October 2020
The October 2020 Newsletter is now available. Please read on for Bits from your Board, From the Peace and Justice Action Team, September highlights, and more.
Past editions of our Flaming Chalice newsletter. In the newsletter you’ll find upcoming Sunday services, our minister’s monthly message, activities and events, , and other items of interest to our church community. We also love to share photos!
The October 2020 Newsletter is now available. Please read on for Bits from your Board, From the Peace and Justice Action Team, September highlights, and more.
The September 2020 Newsletter is now available. Please read on for Bits from your Board, From the Minister, upcoming events, and more.
The August 2020 Newsletter is now available. Please read on for Bits from your Board, a special announcement from the UUA President, and more.
The July 2020 Newsletter is now available. Please read on for Bits from your Board, RE Reflections, and more.
The June 2020 Newsletter is now available. Please read on for interactive anti-racism resources, changes to ongoing activities, our new email list system, and more.
The May 2020 Newsletter is now available. Please read on for the church’s ongoing response to COVID-19, Bits from the Board. a message about End of Life Care, and more.
The April 2020 Newsletter is now available. Please read on for the church’s response to COVID-19, joining the congregation via Zoom, a special message from the minister, and more.
The March 2020 Newsletter is now available. March’s theme is Building your own Theology, so check out the newsletter for information on UU the Vote, upcoming events like the Annual Congregation Meeting, Community Announcements, February highlights, and more.
The February 2020 Newsletter is now available. February’s theme is Spiritual Practices, so check out the newsletter for information on Adult RE, upcoming events like Mardi Gras, January highlights, and more.
The January 2020 Newsletter is now available. January is Family Ministry month, so check out the newsletter for information on Adult RE, upcoming events, December highlights, and more.