Our Search for a Contract Minister

Dear Starr King congregation and community,

Starr King is embarking upon an adventure. Your Search Team is determined to find a Contract Minister who will support and guide Starr King as we shape our future. This search is a departure from the traditional search for a Called Settled Minister. You might ask, what is a Contract Minister and why the departure?

  • A Contract Minister is engaged to serve a congregation for 1-3 years, with an option to Call.
  • The UUA recommends that congregations with under 125 members, consider a Contract Minister. Starr King’s membership is currently around 80.
  • A Settled Minister search, overall, which includes transportation and hospitality for both pre-candidating weekends and a candidating week, may cost $10,000-$15,000.
  • A Contract Minister search is estimated to cost $2,000.
  • These estimates do not include relocation costs.
  • Because of these factors, your Starr King Board of Trustees voted unanimously to engage in a search for a Contract Minister.

Using the recommendations from the congregation, the board selected a balanced search team comprised of the following people: Bob Britton, Diane Meyerson, Grace Wengermarsh, Keith Lewis Zelma Nunez-Borja. They graciously accepted the challenge.

During the search process the Congregation will have opportunities to further define our hopes, dreams, and the qualities we would like our new minister to embody. Qualities that will assist us in achieving our aspirations.

As part of the search process, your Search Team will build an extensive profile of Starr King. This will be a ministerial candidate’s window into who we are and who we hope to become.

Ministerial candidates also create a profile of their ministry. Ministers interested in Starr King, will submit their profiles to us. The search committee will explore the profiles, conduct on-line interviews, check references, and view on-line sermons. Once all these factors are evaluated, the Search Team will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees.

The Contract Minister is hired by the Board. A Settled Minister is called by a vote of the congregation. We are looking for a 2-3 year contract, with an option to Call when we know the time is right. Then, the Congregation would vote to Call the Minister.

The adventure has begun. Let us embark on this meaningful journey together.

In love and service,

Starr King Search Team

Bob Britton, Diane Meyerson, Grace Wengermarsh, Keith Lewis Zelma Nunez-Borja.