If you are ready to make your annual pledge, you can pledge online here. We’re asking everyone, if they possibly can, to increase their pledge from last year by 5% – or more! If you’re not sure what your current pledge is, ask Ben Ogilvie or René L. Castle. 

Make a Pledge


If you’re new to pledging, here’s what it’s all about:

Why Pledge?

  • A pledge is a promise – a promise to our future as a church community. It’s a commitment we make in appreciation of the gifts of worship, inspiration, learning, support, and celebration.
  • Pledge contributions are essential to funding the life-giving ministries of our church.  Our ministries cost about $3300 a year per member, a total of over $260,000.
  • The church cannot operate without pledges because pledges give the church financial stability and predictability. They enable us to be a responsible employer, confident we can meet our payroll every month! Money in the Sunday offering helps too, of course, but doesn’t provide the predictability that pledges give us. 

What is a Missional Budget?

There are two ways to look at the budget. 

  • A line item budget looks at expenses, like payroll taxes and insurance.
  • A missional budget looks at ministries. How are we serving our community and the world?

Here are our ministries:

  • Worship, and the music we make together. Worship is what distinguishes us from a support group, a social club, or a political action committee. It’s what makes us a church.  It’s the time when we come together as a community to celebrate something larger than ourselves, something sacred and life-affirming; to gather strength, to share wisdom, comfort and joy, to make music together, and to recommit ourselves to living as people of faith.

  • Religious education, faith engagement. From the cradle to the grave we are all growing and deepening our faith. We as a congregation are committed to providing religious education for our youngest members because we want our church and our faith to have a future, and without young people there is no future, only a declining present. We also know how important faith formation is. We are investing in our own spiritual growth as well.

  • Caring Community. This includes the warmth and care of our beloved community and our justice work. In a caring community, we play together and eat together, we help each other in times of crisis and trouble, we minister to one another, we are there for each other. And we care for the wider community by working for justice, equity, and compassion in human affairs through prophetic witness and action. 

Our ministries are the reason we are here, the purpose of our existence as a church.

Read about Fair Share Pledging.