Family Ministry Council
Purpose: To ensure that Family Ministry provides children and youth with a rich array of activities that reflect our shared principles and passions, and celebrate each individual’s search for truth
Membership and Meetings: Membership is voluntary and/or solicited. Meetings are monthly, with the time and day changing with the composition of the Council.
- Set goals, objectives, and a philosophy for the Family Ministry program
- Ensure that suitable activities are available for children and youth every Sunday
- Oversee classes, including curricula, objectives and standards
- Working with the Board of Trustees and other interested individuals, arrange for a Director and all necessary staff and supplies
- Become familiar with the religious exploration materials available from the Unitarian Universalist Association, from other congregations, and elsewhere. Help decide on the curriculum that would best serve the youth at Starr King.
- Assess the interests and skills available among members within the congregation who can support our Family Ministry program and our youth.
- Locate leadership for various aspects of the program and provide support for this leadership
- Arrange for necessary class or meeting space and working to create an appropriate learning environment in that space.
- Arrange for access and organization of equipment and supplies
- Coordinate a schedule that considers other congregational events and programs
- Evaluate the program in a way that includes feedback from participants and leaders.
- Plan programs with the congregation’s leadership so that dynamic religious exploration programming can be an integral part of the whole church experience
- Prepare an annual report
Job Description for Chair of the Family Ministry Council
A two-year term is intended for this position.
- Work with Family Ministry to develop agendas for committee meetings
- Ensure that all committee responsibilities are met
- Chair meetings when the Director is not in attendance