Are You Up to the Challenge?

When we are faced with difficulties in our lives, we sometimes allow them to stop us in our tracks. However, using our imagination and creativity, we have the power within us to transform difficulties into opportunities that might even be better than what we would have otherwise conceived.

Oder of Service!

Gathering Hymn: #21, For the Beauty of the Earth

Gathering Hymn: #128, For All That Is Our Life


Call to Worship: “ Why is Imagination Important?”

Music: Pure Imagination, sung by Gene Wilder

Land Acknowledgment

Chalice Lighting

SoUUlful Families Ministry

Prayer, Candles of Joys, Sorrows & Gratitude

Music: Pure Imagination, Sung by Gene Wilder

Sermon: Are You Up to the Challenge?  Rev. Carlton E. Smith

Offertory: Special plate for Hayward Gay Prom

Extinguishing the Chalice


Closing Hymn: #108, My Life Flows On

Announcements, Invitation and Final Wave