A Cracked Vessel Lets the Light In

Leonard Cohen wrote: “Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” Each of us has “cracks,” parts of us that we may perceive as faults, mistakes or weaknesses. Accepting our uniqueness and humanity, with all of our flaws, allows us to open the cracks and grow in compassion and love.


We are always delighted to welcome guests! If this is your first time visiting a Unitarian Universalist church or our congregation, here’s some idea of what to expect.

Order of Service

  • Prelude
  • Ring Tibetan Bowl
  • Opening Hymn: #38, Morning Has Broken
  • Welcome – Ben Ogilvie
  • Chalice Lighting – Marilyn
  • Call to Worship – Anne
  • Hymn: #16, ‘Tis a Gift to be Simple
  • Land Acknowledgment – Marilyn
  • Wisdom Reading – Marilyn
  • Prayer, Candles of Joys, Sorrows & Gratitude – Marilyn
  • Sung Prayer: Rev. Rebecca Parker
  • Sermon – Anne
  • Hymn: #123, Spirit of Life
  • Offertory (slide) – Marilyn
  • Shared Singing: Hymn #402, From You I Receive
  • Announcements – Marilyn
  • Hymn: #128, For All That is Our Life
  • Benediction – Anne
  • Extinguishing the Chalice – Anne
  • Invitation and Final Wave – Marilyn
  • Postlude