Winter seems like a good time to talk about depression. Today we will shine a little light and talk about some tools that have helped others.
- Prelude: Adoration by Florence Price, Linli Wang, Piano
- Ring Tibetan Bowl
- Centering Music: Prelude Op. 7 No. 3 by B. Kalafati, Linli Wang, Piano
- Opening Hymn: #389, Gathered Here
- Welcome
- Chalice Lighting: Rev.Gregory Pelley
- Wisdom Tale: The Shadow Elephant, Nadine Robert (author), Valerio Vidali (Illustrator), Enchanted Lion (publisher), Tanya Webster (author)
- Sing the Children to their Classroom
- Call to Worship: Rev. Gretchen Haley
- Hymn: #83, Winds Be Still
- Land Acknowledgment:
- Wisdom Reading
- Prayer, Candles of Joys, Sorrows & Gratitude
- Sung Prayer: Rev. Rebecca Parker
- Sermon: Lessons From February, Rev. Elizabeth Sollie
- Hymn: #86, Blessed Spirit of My Life
- Offertory
- Shared Singing: Hymn #402, From You I Receive
- Invitations
- Hymn: #1009, Meditation on Breathing
- Benediction: Jenny Lawson
- Extinguishing the Chalice
- Invitation and Final Wave
- Postlude: Postlude by Carl Bloom, Linli Wang, Piano