Revelation Unsealed

Unitarian Universalism today defines itself not by a shared belief in a singular Truth, but by the commitments we make as we accompany each other on our individual paths to truth and meaning. Join guest preacher Karishma Gottfried and learn more about what our shared value that “revelation is unsealed” can mean for us today.

Karishma Neva Gottfried is in her first year at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, and has been on the path to ministry since she was sixteen. Raised in the UU Fellowship of Corvallis, Oregon, and a recent graduate of Wellesley College in Massachusetts, Karishma brings her love of Unitarian Universalism with her everywhere she goes. Karishma has most recently served as Campus Ministry Organizer for The Sanctuary Boston, and runs the popular UU TikTok account @unitarianuniversalist.


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