The Transient and the Permanent in Unitarian Universalism

Ours is a living faith. Since the Unitarians and Universalists consolidated in 1961, we have grown with the times. We are different now than we were then. We are working to remain relevant, a faith that meets this moment. Joins us as we look past, present and future, including the proposed changes to Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Order of Service

Gathering Hymn: #21, For the Beauty of the Earth

Gathering Hymn: #128, For All That Is Our Life


Call to Worship

Opening Hymn: #398, To See the World

Land Acknowledgment

Chalice Lighting

New Members Join Starr King!

Starr King Choir:  Love Draws Us On

Prayer, Candles of Joys, Sorrows & Gratitude

Musical Meditation

Sermon: The Transient and the Permanent in Unitarian Universalism, Rev. Ruth


Extinguishing the Chalice


Closing Hymn: #330, The Arching Sky of Morning Glows

Announcements, Invitation and Final Wave