If these pandemic times have taught us anything, it is that we need one another and that we have been through much together. As we look at reemerging from this pandemic, we have the opportunity to deepen out commitments to one another and to the many who are drawn by the power of our theological legacy. Join Rev. Leslie Takahashi, chair of the Commission on Institutional Change which looked at what Unitarian Universalism needed to do to create more diverse, inclusive, and equitable congregations.
Rev. Leslie Takahashi is the lead Minister of the Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church. She has been active in many volunteer roles in the UUA, UUMA and at the local level where she participates now as part of the Faith in Action East Bay justice network. Her work has been published in many anthologies and she is the primary author of The Arc of the Universe is Long: Unitarian Universalism and the Journey Towards Wholeness and of Widening the Circle of Concern: The report of the Commission on Institutional Change. She is the mother of two children and two bully breed pups and loves walking, water, and gardening.