Our Starr King community connects in many places aside from regular worship services. You can find us online, in groups, and at local events: 


What’s Happening?

  • The best way to get involved and meet new people is by taking part in activities, events, and groups.
  • Our church calendar will always have the most up-to-date information about upcoming opportunities to connect.
  • If you want reminders about news and events, let our office administrator know that you want to subscribe to our weekly announcements and monthly newsletter: office@starrking.org. The weekly announcements also feature photos and a video of the past week’s sermon.


Social Media & Online Connections

  • Instagram is a fun place to see what we’ve been up to lately! 
  • You can follow us on Facebook for photos, information about events, and posts from our community partners and Unitarian Universalist organizations.
  • We also have a private Facebook group for church members and supporters. If you’re interested in joining this group, reach out to our office administrator at office@starrking.org
  • Our StarrKingSpark Google group plays a similar role to the private Facebook group. It’s a place where you can chat about non-church topics like… who’s the best plumber in town? (Hopefully you’ll never need to know!) 


Church Groups

Choir, meditation, youth groups, adult faith formation… there are many groups here at Starr King that foster friendships and growth. Get in touch with group leaders for information or just show up and give it a try! When in doubt, reach out to the office administrator at office@starrking.org and they can point you in the right direction.