Vigils begin 12:30pm. All are welcome to attend these Lenten acts of witness and compassion by remembering violent deaths in our community, which occurred during the past 12 months.
March 25: Jesus Guzman, Meet at 27000 block Tyrell Ave. Convener: Rev. John Wichman
April 1 Osana Saga, Meet at 500 block Cottage Park Dr. Convener: Sharon Wylie
April 8 Maurice Collins, Meet at Vanderbilt St. off Alquire Parkway. Convener: Rev. Kathryn Schreiber.
April 15 Carlos Buenrostro and Rafael Avila, Meet at Westpark St. at A Street. Convener: Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris.
April 22 Good Friday
Meet near the entrance to the Livermore labs at 7am.
At 12:30, we’ll congregate at the parking area on Fairmont Drive, just west of the stop sign at Lake Chabot Park. The Children’s memorial is at the top of the hill. We’ll caravan up.