Lane Campbell, our professional director of religious exploration (DRE), has finished her time with us and will spend next year completing her ministerial internship. We send her off with our best wishes and gratitude. Andy Hansen is heading up the search for a new DRE who should be in place by September.
During the summer we will continue our Funshops for the three to nine year olds. Parents can bring their kids to the adult service until the story time, after which they go back to the Funshop where church members share some interest/hobby or skill. An adult assistant helps the leader by lighting the children’s chalice, focusing the kids on a Unitarian Universalist principle, and serving a light treat. Mary Kiesling is managing the Funshops this summer; talk to her if you have questions or want to volunteer as a leader or assistant for one Sunday.
Funshops have been successful way of strengthening the connection between the younger generation and our larger community. The children meet many church members, learn new skills, and are introduced to the UU principles. But we have found that the three to nine year age range is too large to manage so next year we will continue the Funshops just for kids age three to five years, and there will be a set curriculum with teachers for children six to nine years old.
Also, we hope to have a special program for the older youth using the Coming of Age curriculum. Plus, there is also child care available during Sunday service for babies and toddlers too young for Funshops, Donnie Rett in charge. The Religious Exploration Council will be discussing next year’s programming over the summer. We welcome your attendance at our meetings, the fourth Sunday of the month after church.
Feel free to talk to any of us on the RE Council. Continuing members: Mary Kiesling and Doug Sprague; outgoing members: Georgia Gruver and Karen Carrell; incoming members: Lea Casini and Diana Dickerson. We are looking for more members for the council, especially parents.
One thing all of us can do to enhance the child-adult connection is to talk to the children and youth before and after church. We want our kids to feel comfortable and welcome in our church community.
All the best,
Doug Sprague, Coordinator