And our church year begins again. And our school year begins again. My English teachers would wince at beginning this reflection with the conjunction ‘and.’ While some of us have our schedules change in the Summer, some of us do not. Our lives, all the activities that fill them, often continue on AND on. September marks a new beginning but a new beginning that surges up in midst of our on-going living. Regardless of our schedules, the tempo of our culture shifts and we find another opportunity to return and begin again. It calls to mind our hymn: “My life flows on in endless song: above earth’s lamentation, I hear the real though far-off hymn that hails new creation.”
What type of creations, what types of creating should we devote ourselves to this year? As we begin our church year, many of our Jewish brothers, sisters, and siblings will be reflecting on how they missed the mark this past year for the high holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. In midst of our every-flowing lives, are there ways we can “correct course” so we are more compassionate and more fully live out our deep wisdoms? For those of us involved in raising children, we are routinely faced with shortcomings (ours and others’!), constantly faced with ‘marks’ missed. Reconciling ourselves to our past and letting ago is essential to create a new beginning. I am so glad to be beginning again with you all in this beloved community!
Rev. Darcy