When To Call the Minister
As your new interim minister, I am here to accomplish with you some interim tasks and to help you navigate the transition to a new settled minister. But I do want you to know that I am also here to carry out the usual duties of a parish minister, which includes responding to a variety of expressed needs. For instance, you can call on me when:
–You are experiencing a crisis or emergency
–You would like to explore issues in your personal life
–You would like help in planning a ceremony, such as a child dedication, wedding, memorial service, house blessing, etc.
–You or someone you know is in the hospital, in a convalescent home or in prison, and could use a visit.
–You would like to discuss some aspect of church life
–You are considering joining the church
–You have an idea for a Sunday service
–You would like to explore further an idea or subject area that you heard in a sermon
–You would like to discuss your personal spiritual journey
–You simply want us to get better acquainted
–You heard a great joke that you’d like to pass along!
And, if you can’t decide whether or not it is appropriate to call me, DO CALL! I wish to be as available to you as I can be.
You may call me at home (510) 653-5867 or at the church office, or email me at revjoy@aol.com or minister@starrking.org.
I am looking forward to a productive, and enjoyable, interim period among you!