From the Board – December 2017

The holidays are almost upon us, but the board is still at work. We have been busy with the grounds.

  • Bob Britton has been instrumental in having some trees trimmed at our southern perimeter.
  • Working with Walt Korus and Dave Middleton, the playground has a fresh covering of wood mulch.
  • Preparations are being made to remove Ornea Cottage.
  • There are other repairs that the Board is reviewing as well.
  • A group is looking at establishing an ongoing maintenance budget to account for long term routine maintenance.

We are going to have a regular “Hospitality Hour” budget to relieve the burden on the volunteers who donate their time, energy and cheer to making the hour after service so enjoyable. If you are so included, the kitchen could always use a friendly face and helping hands. Please contact Lavon Hodges for more information.

There is an ongoing discussion about whether the Mission Statement can be improved. There have been many excellent points stated on both sides of the issue, and the conversation is certain to lead us to a better understanding of who we are and what we stand for as a congregation. The most discussed aspect of the Mission Statement was how and if we can make the document represent a church striving for greater inclusiveness. If you haven’t read the text on the weekly order of service recently, please review it and let a board member know what you think about the matter. The Mission Statement should be our “rudder” as we move forward in daily routines and long term goals. It may be perfect, in need of a gentle nudge or requiring a complete overhaul.

Plans are in development for our future Beloved Conversations discussion group. Organized by Jennifer Koney, the group will be discussing white racial literacy. It is recommended that those interested in participating read the book, “What Does it Mean to be White?” by Robin DiAngelo. Future sessions will be offered in December and January, with the exact meeting dates to be announced. You can sign up for the sessions at the table in the back of the Fellowship Hall.