Minister’s Blog
Rev. María Cristina
Last year I attended the UU General Assembly and for the first time I did not fill my entire schedule with workshops and meetings. I also signed up to sing with the choir. What an amazing experience! As someone who does not read music and who does not sing very often, I was afraid that I was going to be politely turned down. But I was fortunate to work with Amanda Thomas, our Choir Director, who welcomed and encouraged both seasoned singers and shy newcomers. Singing with the choir helped me to feel grounded and filled my heart with joy.

Upon my return, I enjoyed sharing the new songs I had learned with Lea and Linli, who responded enthusiastically. During the Kavanaugh Supreme Court Justice hearings which triggered so many painful memories for so many of us, I preached about the #MeToo movement and was so grateful that Linli and some choir members joined in singing the song “I Believe.” It felt like a balm for the soul! Together, we experienced music both as a powerful healing agent and also as a catalyst for solidarity.
This past Sunday Linli and some choir members shared with us their experience singing in the choir as their spiritual practice. The choir performed “Cantar!” and what a joyful experience that was. The rhythm, the drumming, the heartfelt “Sing Hallelujah!” reverberated through our sanctuary and our hearts!

I am so grateful for our choir and our amazingly talented Accompanist/Choir Director, Linli Wang. In the relatively short time she has been with us, she has been a true team player and helped us craft deeply meaningful worship services. Our choir has grown and is sounding fantastic! Please join me in extending this gratitude next time you see Linli.
I have already signed up to sing with the GA Choir again this Summer. If you are wondering if you should join the Starr King choir and are hesitating because you can’t read music or have little singing experience, please give yourself the opportunity to try it out. You might discover that it is just the spiritual practice that brings joy to your heart!
With Much Love & Music,
Rev. María Cristina