On Friday August 20th, some of our Starr King congregants showed up in solidarity with the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band to protect sacred Juristac land from desecration. Thanks to everyone who made it, with special thanks to Rene for his sign making skills!

There were about 35 people attending, from all over the place — San Benito County (where the rally was), Santa Cruz County, all over the Bay Area, and even one person from Sacramento. Three protesters were from the First Unitarian Church of San Jose.

What you can’t tell from the pictures is that the wind was howling through there so it made holding signs a challenge! A couple of sheriffs’ cars hung out a short distance away and kept an eye on us, but other than telling us we had to stay on the north side of the overpass (the only side with a sidewalk), they left us alone because they supported what we were doing! And later they decided we could take some signs partway down the slope so the northbound traffic could see us as well.

We learned yesterday that work has stopped on the site because the tribe hired a lawyer who went to court and asked for an injunction. Two of our members drove past the site and confirmed that no one was working. So that’s something! The lands just west of the freeway, the San Benito River and the hills beyond, are part of Juristac.
If you are interested in joining us for social justice projects and events, please get in touch! You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram for information about upcoming opportunities.