Stewardship Season 2022
Breaking Bread Together, Sustaining Each Other is the theme of our Stewardship season this year. “Let Us Break Bread Together” is ancient hymn dating to the 1300s. Perhaps it lives on because bread, in all of its forms, is a life-giving and ubiquitous source of nourishment, and symbolizes friendship and sustaining hope. Almost every society in the world eats bread in some form. Breads are made out of flour or corn, water, salt. And while there may be many other additives, it can be simple or exotic as you desire.
Our UU principles are like the foundation of any bread recipe, flour, salt, and water. Our members bring the diversity of flavors; the variety of flours, seeds, spices, and herbs.
Commitment Sunday, April 3
We will Break Bread Together on 3 April for a Commitment Service with a box lunch (all dietary needs will be considered). As a symbol of our connectedness, be prepared for a Surprise Bread to be delivered to your home prior to Commitment Sunday!
On-line pledge forms will be available next week.
Bread & Sustenance
Bread has both sacred and secular meanings. Out of necessity, when the Israelites escaped from Egypt, they did not have yeast; out of their adversity came unleavened bread. Creativity also led pioneers to invent sour dough bread.
It is creativity, ingenuity, and love that sustained us this year. We embraced the challenges of the pandemic and became a church without walls. Together, we experienced the solidarity of presence while navigating the pain of isolation, illness, disease, and loss. We found ways to minister to each other. We rejoiced when we were able to hold hybrid worship. Then, out of love and care for each other, we adapted, out of necessity, back to ZOOM only. We were exuberant on 6 March, when we returned to hybrid worship with in-person Fellowship Hour out of doors.
This is a good time to reflect on the goals, values, and experiences that are meaningful to you as well as your hopes and aspirations for the future of our church.
On behalf of the Canvass Team,
Jennifer Koney, Mileva Saulo Lewis, Claudia McDonagh, Diane Meyerson, Lorie Miller, and Beth Ogilvie.