Adult Faith Formation Opportunity: Creating Theology Together

If you were around last spring, you might recall I mentioned that we would be engaging in a 12-session course this fall and to leave room in your calendars.  So here we go!

The Rev. Ruth Rinehart actually purchased the curriculum from Meadville Lombard Theological school, but we were too busy with the tasks of transition to use it last year.  There are three retreats on a weekend day and 9 evening sessions.  That is a lot!

So why do it now in the middle of our search for a new minister?  Don’t we have enough on our plates?  You will see from the wonky scheduling, that yes indeed, we have so much on our plates, it is tricky to schedule 12 sessions.  And yet. I still think it is worthwhile to do it now, and this is why.

  • As UU’s we often skate lightly over our theology (or get hung up on that word).  We are here for the community and that is often where we let things rest.  I believe Unitarian Universalism has a lot more than that to offer and I believe you might be hungry for some deeper meaning.  That hunger shows itself in many ways. The times we are living in are challenging our deepest values and our grounding.  We are called by our times to go deeper.
  • We are in a time where it is clear the congregation needs to grow or die. Most of us have articulated that we want to be a congregation that attracts people.  If we are not clear about our collective sense of meaning and purpose, our reason for being, our “why”, however,  it is hard to attract anyone.  I don’t know if this curriculum will get us there, but I hope it will. I hope we will emerge after 12 sessions with a clear sense of vision and mission.  We will know our collective why.
  • I would love it if every one of us could articulate why we are a Unitarian Universalist in moving, articulate and authentic ways.  I think most of us need practice.
  • We are shifting from a faith that holds individualism as its most sacred value to one that puts love at the center and emphasizes our interconnectedness.  I believe taking this journey together could foster our growth and cohesion in these values.
  • The curriculum focuses a lot on our outward expressions of love—justice.  This congregation identifies as a justice congregation.  Can we articulate our spiritual grounding for that?
  • If our faith isn’t challenging us and helping us to be even better people, why bother?
  • This congregation rocks at administration, let’s rock at spirituality as well.

I would like everyone who signs up to commit to coming to 10-12 sessions. Do your best.  I think we are going to be growing and deepening our relationships as well, but that can only happen with regular attendance.  If we have a different constellation of participants every session, it is hard to build anything—including trust.  Give yourself this gift.  Maybe pause some of your other activities while you attend to your spirit and your congregational relationships for a spell. Please do your best to attend in person so we can attend better to our nonverbal communication, but there will, of course, be a Zoom option.  Emily, please insert the Zoom link for Sunday morning here.  Everyone is Welcome!!!

To register, please email me, Rev. Sollie at Registration is required. I recommend putting everything in your calendar now, so you are good to go even if you miss a reminder.  I am excited to make this journey with you!

Rev. Elizabeth Sollie