General Assembly: A Profound UU Experience

“If you haven’t been to General Assembly yet, you’ve missed a treat. At GA we get to join thousands of other UUs, meeting, connecting, worshiping, witnessing, learning, and doing the business of our Association, the UUA. I love it! I’ve been to 3 in person and 3 virtually.” Ben Ogilvie, church secretary

What is General Assembly?

General Assembly is the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists, where we conduct business of the Association, explore the theological underpinnings of our faith, and lean fully into our mission and principles. Please join us online Wednesday, June 20 through Sunday, June 23, 2024 for this 4-day immersive experience where we participate in inspirational worship services and informative workshops, reconvene with friends and colleagues, and explore our virtual exhibit hall. GA is an unforgettable experience for the thousands of UUs who participate. You’ll leave with renewed energy and innovative ideas to share with your congregation and community-at-large!
There’s a wealth of information about the 2024 General Assembly on the UUA website.
If you have questions about General Assembly, feel free to reach out to Ben (!

How to Register

You can register for General Assembly here on the UUA website. Register before March 1 for the lowest rate. Rates will increase on March 1 and again on May 15. Note: It is possible to be a delegate for free with a “business-only” registration. That gives access to the delegate platform but nothing else.

GA Programming

GA will offer dozens of outstanding programming selections (workshops, panel discussions, worship services, and other presentations) over the course of five days. Programs will provide attendees with concrete and usable tools to further the work, and the balance needed to explore multiple identity-based and theological perspectives. The theme for General Assembly 2024 is “Love Unites, Stories Ignite.

Like Unitarian Universalism, GA offers a wealth of theological diversity. A variety of worship choices are offered throughout GA. The Service of the Living Tradition is where we commemorate fellowshipped and credentialed religious leaders, those who have died, those who have completed active service, and welcome those who have received fellowship or credentialed status in the past year. Sunday Morning Worship at GA is a powerful, communal worship experience and is the largest annual gathering of UUs in Worship.

Be a Delegate!

A church our size gets 2 delegates. Our minister is a delegate as well. Delegates get to vote. That’s important every year, but it’s especially important this year because the assembly will vote on the proposed change to Article II of the UUA bylaws, to update our principles and sources for the first time since the 1980s. The UUA says:
The votes that GA delegates cast have a huge impact on Unitarian Universalism. They determine our elected leaders, amend the bylaws and rules that govern our Association, and shape the justice work that we do as a movement. If you are interested in serving as a delegate from your congregation, talk to your minister or your congregation’s governing body.

If you think you might like to be a delegate, let Mileva ( know.

Financial Support
The UUA is committed to the goal of making GA accessible to as many attendees as possible. Go to to learn about scholarships to support delegates – particularly those from marginalized groups – and volunteer opportunities (work in exchange for registration).


The UUA is committed to addressing the inclusion of all people, whatever their abilities might be, in all GA activities. In 2024, we hope that rather than convening geographically, UU constituent groups will create online networking opportunities and meet-ups, centering the inclusion of those for whom travel to in-person meetings is not possible or practical.
There’s a wealth of information about the 2024 General Assembly on the UUA website. Please check it out and think about attending GA this year! If you think you might like to be a delegate, let Mileva know. If you have questions, ask me!