Author: Flaming Chalice Newsletter

Words of Joy – Welcoming the Stranger: On Religious Hospitality

There is evidence that even as we multiply our contacts on Facebook and other internet venues, people in our modern society are generally becoming more socially isolated. One study found that while in 1985 nearly three quarters of people reported having a friend in whom they could confide anything, two decades later only half said … Continue reading Words of Joy – Welcoming the Stranger: On Religious Hospitality

South Hayward Parish Must Raise Matching Funds

South Hayward Parish has received an anonymous $2000.00 “matching grant.”  We must raise $2,000.00 in matching funds in order to receive these funds.  Please help make sure SHP doesn’t lose this money which will be used for our hunger, homeless and family programs.  Please send a donation (any amount) to SHP, 27287 Patrick Ave, Hayward, … Continue reading South Hayward Parish Must Raise Matching Funds

Katie’s Bay View – Authorizing Each Other

As far back as the mid-nineteenth century, Unitarians and Universalists discussed merging their two separate denominations. In 1947, a commission was formed that led to a vote in which 75% of Unitarian and Universalist congregations approved the formulation of a plan for a federal union. Still, it wasn’t until 1961 that the two organizations were … Continue reading Katie’s Bay View – Authorizing Each Other