Purposes: To ensure a welcoming, hospitable, and inviting environment for all, to assist people to enter and take part in the life of the church community and become members when they are ready, and to maintain the Membership Roster.

Membership and Meetings:  Membership is voluntary. Meetings are held monthly on fourth Sundays after church.

Expect a warm greeting at the door
Expect a warm greeting at the door


  • Provide two greeters for every Sunday service
  • Ensure that visitors are treated warmly before and after the service
  • Ensure that members are not left out during morning coffee
  • Track attendance of members
  • Contact members who stop attending
  • Add new members to the Membership Roster when convenient, but at least annually
  • Remove from the Membership Roster members who move from the area unless the member requests in writing that membership be maintained and continues to make financial contributions of record
  • Remove from the Membership Roster members who have not made a financial contribution of record for a period of one fiscal year
  • Remove from the Membership roster deceased, resigned, and terminated members, with a notation of the reason for removal
  • Prepare an annual report


Job Description for Chair of Hospitality and Membership Committee

  • Prepare agendas for and chair meetings of the Committee
  • Ensure that all committee responsibilities are met


Job Description for Greeters

  • Ensure that everyone is greeted appropriately at Sunday services
  • Give everyone an Order of Service leaflet
  • Ask visitors to fill out a visitor card and wear a name badge
  • Make coffee when you first arrive at the church

Our Greeters are usually the first people you see when coming to church Sunday mornings. We’re there by the door to greet you with a smile, a hug or a handshake; assist you; and give you an order of service. We’re glad you’re here.

Hospitality is an intentional action, an invitation into relationship and community for newcomers and longtime members alike. We are constantly learning how to be more welcoming –continually expanding our Multicultural Competence to welcome people’s full selves. This means creating a community where people of all cultural identities see themselves reflected and affirmed. We have a long way to go, but this is not an aspirational goal. Together, we make mistakes and learn from them; correct them and move ahead—improved.

We are always looking for new greeters. Being a greeter is a good way to get to know your fellow congregants. We’re flexible; you can volunteer as often as your schedule allows. If interested, please contact the Membership Chair at

Some of the most welcoming people in our congregation are also members of The Hospitality and Membership Committee:

Bill DeSmidt                                                   Ruth DeSmidt

Colleen Dino                                                  Dirk Dino

Mary Swain                                                    Mileva Lewis

Diane Meyerson                                            Jessica Ringlein-Doerr

Hamid Rashidi                                               Ingrid Westgard

Bob Simoni                                                    Sandy Simoni

Bob Britton                                                    Jackie Black