Faithfully Becoming: GA Reflections


This is a pivotal time for our faith as we collectively discern how to move forward in these challenging times. Come hear how the delegates at GA wrestled with these questions and some of the decisions that were made.

Order of service: Gathering Hymns  #66 When the Summer Sun Is Shining, #347 Gather the Spirit * Welcome * Call to Worship * Opening Hymn #354 We Laugh, We Cry * Land Acknowledgment * Chalice Lighting * Hymn #73 Chant for the Seasons, Summer! * Candles of Joys, Sorrows & Gratitude * Hymn 318 We Would Be One * Sermon: Faithfully Becoming: GA Reflection by Ben Ogilvie * Offertory — Special plate for DRUUMM — Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries, the oldest and largest UU People of Color ministry * Extinguishing the Chalice * Benediction * Closing Hymn #1008 When Our Heart is in a Holy Place * Announcements, Invitation and Final Wave