Gather the Spirit

On Sunday, August 29th we will gather in person for the first time since March 2020. The return to our beloved sanctuary will not be perfect and we will adjust along the way. These are the guidelines our Regathering Team and Board have developed to keep us safe:

  • We continue to follow the latest CDC, Alameda County, and UUA COVID safety protocols
  • We can only accommodate a maximum of 40 people in the sanctuary. To begin with, we will send an Eventbrite invitation to 40 members and require registration by Wednesday, August 25th. The next week, we will send an invitation to the next 40 members, and so on.
  • Masks will be mandatory for everyone, regardless of vaccination status.
  • Our Family Ministry Coordinator and volunteers will gather the children for activities in the playground area.
  • There will be no hospitality/coffee hour after the service.
  • We will continue to offer the Sunday Worship Service via Zoom.

During the uniquely liminal time of this pandemic, we have experienced both challenges and opportunities. We have shown our resiliency by supporting each other through loss, fear, and uncertainty. We have held each other in prayer and loving kindness. We have collaborated and shared our creative ideas to keep connected and nourish our Beloved Community. In this worship service, we will gather in person and virtually to give thanks for the blessing of community and rededicate ourselves to continue being part of a transformative Unitarian Universalist movement that is a beacon of light, a wellspring of hope, and a deep source of love.

‘Let us gather in peace, gather in thanks, hope, compassion, and strength. Let us gather to celebrate once again. Nurtured in love, with body and spirit united once more.” [SLT #347]