General Assembly Sunday Worship

This Sunday, Starr King UU Church joins the largest annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists in worship. We will share the General Assembly Sunday worship service in-person at the church and via Zoom. The music and message are always fabulous at this service! Come enjoy and feel a part of an awesome network.

If you need the Zoom link, please get in touch with Emily at

“Weaving Our Lives” General Assembly Sunday Worship

We are all tangled up together in a great web of life that is woven with beauty and hardship, love and loss, thriving and struggle. How do we tend well to the weaving so that all of us are held in care?

Special Plate

The worship collection this Sunday will benefit Side with Love, including its campaigns for climate justice (Create Climate Justice), democracy (UU the Vote), and bodily autonomy, including reproductive, LGBTQIA+, and disability justice (UPLIFT Action). Your gift supports this essential work.

Support Side with Love