Some of the toughest experiences of my life have also been among the most rewarding. We’ll talk about how weathering difficult experiences together can bring gifts of learning, connection, and love.
- Prelude
- Ring Tibetan Bowl
- Centering Music
- Opening Hymn: #354, We Laugh, We Cry
- Welcome
- Chalice Lighting:
- Wisdom Tale: The Rabbit Listened
- Sing the Children to their Classroom
- Call to Worship:
- Hymn: #346, Come, Sing a Song With Me
- Land Acknowledgment
- Wisdom Reading
- Prayer, Candles of Joys, Sorrows & Gratitude
- Sung Prayer: Rev. Rebecca Parker
- Sermon: Ben Ogilvie
- Hymn: #1010, Oh We Give Thanks
- Offertory: FESCO Special Plate
- Shared Singing: Hymn #402, From You I Receive
- Invitations
- Hymn: #128, For All That Is Our Life
- Benediction
- Extinguishing the Chalice
- Invitation and Final Wave
- Postlude