Archives: Services

Revelation Unsealed

Unitarian Universalism today defines itself not by a shared belief in a singular Truth, but by the commitments we make as we accompany each other on our individual paths to truth and meaning. Join guest preacher Karishma Gottfried and learn more about what our shared value that “revelation is unsealed” can mean for us today. … Continue reading Revelation Unsealed


We have been trying to make the invisible, visible, the implicit, explicit as we explore what shapes our realities. This Sunday we will explore how epigenetics shape us. Is there such a thing as free will? Order of Service Prelude: Improvisation by Linli Wang Ringing of the Bowl Opening Hymn: STJ #1053, How Could Anyone … Continue reading Epigenetics

Stone Soup

Join us for a special inter-generational service, Stone Soup. It will feature a 3-act skit during service lifting up the importance of supporting each other. Afterwards, we will sit down together in the Fellowship Hall to enjoy our own “Stone” Soup. Order of Service Prelude Welcome Opening Hymn: #1020 Woyaya Land Acknowledgement Chalice Lighting Skit … Continue reading Stone Soup


Our guest speakers, Ethel-May Shaw, Mileva Saulo Lewis and Keith Lewis, will reflect on a life that began in the 1930’s. They will share what shaped their formative years and what they know so far. Generations sermons often surprise and delight. Marilyn Mosher leads. Order of Service Prelude: Opening Hymn: #389, Gathered Here Welcome Chalice … Continue reading Generations

The Rest of the Story

Where you grew up might shape how you perceive reality. This Sunday we will continue to explore the early messages that shaped us. Order of Service Prelude: Daydream by John Ireland, Lyric Pieces by Edvard Grieg, Linli Wang, pianist Opening Hymn: We Shall Be Known by MaMuse Welcome Chalice Lighting: anastasi birosh Wisdom Tale: The … Continue reading The Rest of the Story

The Water We Swim In

We are all raised in a family and societal culture. It can be hard to see the water we swim in, but let’s try this Sunday to make the implicit, explicit.  

Day of Remembrance

Cultures all over the world visit with the dead at this time of year. We will create a ritual this morning to remember our dead. If you have pictures or mementos to share, we will create a small altar. If you lost someone in the past year, we will have time to remember them and … Continue reading Day of Remembrance

Our Radical Activist Ancestors

The religious right is a relative newcomer in US culture. The religious left dates back to the Revolution. Jefferson’s stirring words in the Declaration of Independence about liberty and equality inspired generations of activists, people who believed that those words applied to them, and at the same time were keenly aware that the reality did … Continue reading Our Radical Activist Ancestors

Blessing the Animals

This Sunday we will bless the pets that bless us. We will be outdoors (and on Zoom) and all well-mannered pets are welcome to join us. Pets that don’t relish travel or other animals are welcome to attend in the form of a picture. We will have a chance to share what makes our particular … Continue reading Blessing the Animals