Resistance is Futile

How do we deal with resistance to assimilation? There are many different answers. Join pulpit guest Glen Jacob as we explore some examples from science fiction and fantasy as metaphors, from the Borg from Star Trek, to The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Come for an unusual and fun service!

Order of Service

Gathering Hymn: #298, Wake Now My Senses 

Gathering Hymn: #347, Gather the Spirit 


Call to Worship

Opening Hymn: #389, Gathered Here

Land Acknowledgment

Chalice Lighting

Hymn: #127, We utter our cry

Prayer, Candles of Joys, Sorrows & Gratitude

Reading:  The Bird, Kudzai Mhagwa

Reading:  Resistance, Muse

Sermon: Resistance is futile?    Glen Jacob


Extinguishing the Chalice

Benediction # 686

Closing Hymn: #118, This little light of mine

Announcements, Invitation and Final Wave