Sci-Fi to UU?

How does science fiction lead one directly into becoming UU? Glen Jacob will talk about inspirations from some places that you may not expect. Come for a fun and unusual service!


We are always delighted to welcome guests! If this is your first time visiting a Unitarian Universalist church or our congregation, here’s some idea of what to expect.

Order of Service

  • Prelude
  • Ring Tibetan Bowl
  • Opening Hymn: # 301 Touch the Earth Reach the Sky
  • Welcome
  • Chalice Lighting
  • Wisdom Tale
  • Sing the Children to their Classroom
  • Call to Worship
  • Hymn: # 174  O Earth you are Surpassing Fair 
  • Land Acknowledgment
  • Prayer, Candles of Joys, Sorrows & Gratitude
  • Sung Prayer: Rev. Rebecca Parker
  • Sermon: Sci-Fi to UU, Glen Jacob
  • Offertory
  • Shared Singing: Hymn #402, From You I Receive
  • Invitations
  • Hymn: # 339  Knowledge, They Say
  • Benediction: Forever Young, Bob Dylan
  • Extinguishing the Chalice
  • Invitation and Final Wave
  • Postlude