Speaker: guest speaker

The Search for Love or How to Tame a Wild Yak in its Natural Habitat

Falling in love can be amazing, wonderful, intoxicating and provides one of the best portals to truth, purpose and meaning the Universe offers.  It can also be disorienting, confusing, mysterious and scary.  It feels like we are asked to set aside every lesson our fear and ego taught us and learn an entirely new language.  … Continue reading The Search for Love or How to Tame a Wild Yak in its Natural Habitat

There is No Away

In these difficult times, what does it mean to dispose of people? What would it take to build a culture of healthy indispensability? It turns out that even if we dismiss someone or something from our presence, it remains part of the interconnected web of all existence. We will examine together the blessings and complicated … Continue reading There is No Away

A Matter of Trust

Trust is the foundation for building a strong, engaged relationship, whether it’s an intimate, personal, business, or professional relationship. Yet it is not always freely given and received. We will look at what part trust plays in living our UU values and affirming our principles and examine how fear can cause us to withhold trust.

Even Black Holes Emit Heat

Does it feel like we’ve been living in a black hole that sucks compassion and love out of our universe lately? Well, yes! But physics has good news for you! Join us as we explore what astronomy can teach us about finding hope in dire times. Click here to listen to the sermon