Speaker: Rev. María Cristina Vlassidis Burgoa

Seasons of Love

“Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure, measure a year?” On the Sunday closest to January 1st, we’ll gather to share creative ways to mark the beginning of a new year. Rituals will include reflection upon the year that has just passed; letting go of regrets and pain; hope for the … Continue reading Seasons of Love

Winter Solstice Evening Service

The Winter Solstice is a time to journey inward and reflect on the lessons, joys, and sorrows of the last year. It’s also a celebration of the light and darkness in each of us. Join us for a service of readings, songs, stillness, and ritual.

Christmas Pageant

Join us for a delightful pageant featuring our Starr King SoUUlful Families in the role of shepherds, angels, sheep, and much, much more! Come prepared to enjoy a wonderful Holiday celebration and to sing along to your favorite Christmas carols.

Las Posadas

Las Posadas is a Latin American Christmas tradition that has become a Starr King tradition over the years. As Unitarian Universalists, we stand on the side of love, justice, and human rights. By re-enacting Mary and Joseph’s perilous journey, we recommit ourselves to defending the rights of immigrants to flee from danger and seek refuge. … Continue reading Las Posadas

Seasons of Light

We gather in community to rekindle the light of hope for peace on earth, in our nation, and in our hearts. We gather seeking comfort to soften the losses we suffered this year. We gather to worship joyfully and tenderly with our Beloved Community. This Holiday Season, let joy and sorrow join in the fullness … Continue reading Seasons of Light


We gather to express our gratitude for all the blessings received during the year and to show our solidarity with South Hayward Parish. Our SoUUlful Families Ministry will be coordinating a food drive and will be reaching out to the congregation for food donations.

Veterens Day

On November 11th we commemorate the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front of World War I. Around the world people celebrate Remembrance Day as a sign of respect for the 20 million people who died in World War I.


Join us as we process the results of the election. As a people of faith, we need to be in this for the long haul. Not just this week, but every week until we reach that time when “justice shall roll down like waters and peace like an ever-flowing stream.”

Day of the Dead: We Remember Them

November 1st-Day of the Dead: We Remember Them. Join us as we gather to honor our dearly departed. This year our Starr King SoUUlful Families, with guidance from Lorie Miller and inspiration from creative volunteers, have created beautiful ofrendas/offerings to decorate their family altars.