Speaker: Rev. María Cristina Vlassidis Burgoa

We Need One Another

Unitarian Universalists are people of many paths who come together to make a difference for our world and ourselves. Ours is a shared spiritual  journey  offering ongoing opportunities for learning growing together. We gather as a community to care for one another and get to practice our principles by answering the call for social justice. … Continue reading We Need One Another

Ceremonies of the Heart: Creating Ritual Space

Rooted in profound human experiences of awe, wonder, fear, and family, worship invites us to gather and share our stories. As spiritual seekers, worship invites us to be open to many new possibilities of connecting with the mystery of life. As Unitarian Universalists, many of us also practice other religions and derive strength and inspiration from a … Continue reading Ceremonies of the Heart: Creating Ritual Space

Loving in Times of War

As we celebrate Martin Luther King Day, we are mindful of how his message continues to inspire us and guide the new generations. Multi-generational service. https://starrkinguu.podbean.com/mf/play/nuefhx/2020-01-19_Sermon.mp3

Parenting as a Spiritual Practice

We often think about meditation, religious rituals, or pilgrimages as spiritual practices. Yet the journey of parenting also offers us opportunities to grow spiritually as we embrace change every day. In addition to Rev. Maria Cristina, you will hear testimonials from Xiomara Tapia, Bethany Salway, Mary Lou Schuler, Michelle Lovett-Fink, and Amy Pete & Inés … Continue reading Parenting as a Spiritual Practice

Day of the Epiphany/Three Kings Day

We’ll reflect on the meaning of the Epiphany and those unexpected “Aha!” moments that might change the course of our spiritual journeys With impending change, come both fear and child-like wonder. Let us ponder the magical experience of following your star!

Making Room

Inspired by the Latin American tradition of Las Posadas, we reflect upon the meaning and practice of radical hospitality. Beth Ogilvie shares a step-by-step process for creating intercultural acceptance, starting from irritation or judgment and moving to mindfulness, then curiosity, then openness and learning, then generosity, ending with grace. https://starrkinguu.podbean.com/mf/play/ga8wt6/2019-12-15_Sermon.mp3

December is Music Month at Starr King

We begin with the healing sounds of the drums, led by our friend Phil Didlake, founder of Rhythmic Innovations: “We believe that music should not only be reserved for performance, competition, or passive entertainment. Our mission is to expand the possibilities of music to enrich personal wellness, to better understand the people around us, and … Continue reading December is Music Month at Starr King