Year: 2012

Religious Exploration Teacher Training

Saturday 9/29  9:30-12:00.  What and how do we teach our children in UU religious exploration? What are UU ways of teaching?  Join Director of Family Ministry Darcy Baxter this morning to build community, have fun, and learn about how to be a UU teacher, guiding children in their spiritual and moral development!

All You Need to Know About Church Finances – 9/30

  On September 30th right after church, the Finance Committee will make a succinct, but comprehensive presentation to the SKUU Congregation about the financial operations of the church. Hear a brief review of the budget & more comprehensive description of the canvass pledges. It will also include a description of all accounts, including their dollar amounts, … Continue reading All You Need to Know About Church Finances – 9/30

Interning – September Blog

Cycles govern our lives: day and night; the seasons; closeness and distance in relationships and, in the context of our congregational lives, the liturgical or worship year. But cycles, as we experience them, are not just circles, but recurrently begin with moments of newness. That is the beauty, as I see it, of Jewish tradition … Continue reading Interning – September Blog