Author: Church Admin

Flaming Chalice for September, 2019

Our new Flaming Chalice for September is now ready to review and read. Check out the results of the survey on Adult Religious Education. Find out about the new and brighter sanctuary. See what is upcoming in service and activities!

Flaming Chalice Newsletter, August 2019

The newsletter for August 2019 has information on your summer activities. Find out more about the “Envisioning” process. Also, why are there photos of Pink Flamingoes?  You will need to read the Flaming Chalice for August to find out!

General Assembly 2019: The Power of We

“Incrementalism and progressivism are insufficient in these totalitarian times.” -Reverend Susan Frederick-Gray, UUA President “In this delicate turning…how will you become ready? No one’s comfort is at the center, you just do what needs to be done. Let’s be co-liberators and get free together.” Reverend Marta Valentin In a time of great challenge and heartbreak … Continue reading General Assembly 2019: The Power of We

All of Who You Are is Sacred

Beloveds, This month our theme is Wholeness and we want to offer opportunities for all of us to practice self-care and to engage in healing experiences. Part of healing is creating spaces of radical welcoming and unconditional love. For many of us who identify as Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer/Two-Spirit/Gender-not-conforming, our spiritual journeys have not always contributed to our … Continue reading All of Who You Are is Sacred

Flaming Chalice Newsletter for April 2019

Flaming Chalice for April 2019. Your newsletter has information on upcoming services, updates on the canvass pledge, details on the upcoming Building Your Own Theology adult religious education class and so much more.