Category: Announcements

Candle-lit Service, Tuesday, December 11th

Led by Marla Bacina and Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris. Come to a candle-lit sanctuary for an hour of peace on this mid-week night. Listen to beautiful piano, reflect upon seasonal readings, and sit for sustained periods of silence. Childcare will be available.  Begins at 7:00 p.m.

Christmas Party After Worship on December 16th

Also on Sunday December 16th, the church will be having its annual Christmas party, putting up a tree, and decorating ornaments after the service.  Please plan to stay a little later than usual after church!  

Reproductive Justice: Creating a Service Honoring Roe v. Wade

As a Regional Organizer for the CA Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Darcy is hosting an open informational and organizational meeting for those interested in creating a service honoring the messiness of justice work. The anniversary is January 22nd.  For more information, contact the office or visit


There is a new sign on the FESCO bulletin board.  If you would like to help provide Thanksgiving dinner for 90 FESCO residents and alumni, details of how to do so are on the orange sign.