Category: Blog

Minister’s Blog, Beloved Conversations – February 2018

The topic of communication has been very present during meetings of the Board of Trustees, the Committee on Ministry, and during the recent Adult RE class addressing congregational polity. We are constantly being challenged to reflect upon language, on the ways we communicate with each other, and on the impact of our words on the … Continue reading Minister’s Blog, Beloved Conversations – February 2018

RE Reflections – November 2017

November Theme: Gratitude Featured Faith Tradition: Hinduism Some people complain because God put thorns on roses. Others praise Him for putting roses among thorns. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami   I would like to start out by thanking October’s workshop leaders who did a fantastic job. It takes a village to mentor our young. I appreciate everyone … Continue reading RE Reflections – November 2017