Archives: Services

Music Sunday

Our director of music, Linli Wang, will lead one of her popular musical services. They are always a treat! Welcome! We are always delighted to welcome guests! If this is your first time visiting a Unitarian Universalist church or our congregation, here’s some idea of what to expect.  

@ the Center is Love

One of the truly unique things about Unitarian Universalism is our denominational commitment to periodically assessing our beliefs and discerning how they have evolved–in both practice and expression. Right now we’re in the midst of a by-law mandated process to change Article II, commonly known as the Principles and Sources. As a ‘Living Tradition’ our religious … Continue reading @ the Center is Love

Sin Eaters

Let’s revisit substitutionary atonement. You can’t say enough about this subject. And then let’s think about whom we belong to. Welcome! We are always delighted to welcome guests! If this is your first time visiting a Unitarian Universalist church or our congregation, here’s some idea of what to expect. Order of Service Prelude: Preludio al Vento … Continue reading Sin Eaters

Flower Communion

Join us this Sunday for flower communion. Please bring a flower (or two or three) to share. If you are new to Unitarian Universalism, you are about to experience a ritual unique to our faith. Welcome! We are always delighted to welcome guests! If this is your first time visiting a Unitarian Universalist church or … Continue reading Flower Communion

Words Matter

Unitarian Universalists have an unspoken belief that their words can save the world. So let’s talk about our words. Welcome! We are always delighted to welcome guests! If this is your first time visiting a Unitarian Universalist church or our congregation, here’s some idea of what to expect. Order of Service Prelude: Our Same Word by … Continue reading Words Matter