Archives: Services

Earth Day

Respect life. Restore earth. Renew Spirit. Unitarian Universalists are committed to environmental justice. A beautiful ritual as well, for the future of our community. Join us for the blessing for Baby Isobe! Order of Service Gathering Hymn: #298, Wake Now My Senses Gathering Hymn: #347, Gather the Spirit Welcome Call to Worship Baby Isobe Blessing … Continue reading Earth Day

Resistance is Futile

How do we deal with resistance to assimilation? There are many different answers. Join pulpit guest Glen Jacob as we explore some examples from science fiction and fantasy as metaphors, from the Borg from Star Trek, to The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Come for an unusual and fun service! Order of Service Gathering Hymn: … Continue reading Resistance is Futile

Easter: Rising in Community

Easter is theologically complicated for Unitarian Universalists. Join us in community and worship on this sacred day. Order of Service Gathering Hymn: #298, Wake Now My Senses  Gathering Hymn: #347, Gather the Spirit  Welcome Call to Worship Come, let us worship together Opening Hymn: #38, Morning Has Broken Land Acknowledgment Chalice Lighting Hymn: #268, Jesus … Continue reading Easter: Rising in Community

Passover Seder

Gathering Hymn: #298, Wake Now My Senses  Gathering Hymn: #347, Gather the Spirit  Welcome Passover Seder Thanks Announcements, Invitation and Final Wave

Commitment Sunday

Join us as we wrap up our Season of Stewardship. Let us know our value in community, and let us break bread together. Oder of Service Gathering Hymn: #346, Come Sing a Song With Me Gathering Hymn: #361, Enter Rejoice and Come In Welcome Call to Worship Opening Hymn: #128, For All That Is Our … Continue reading Commitment Sunday

Vulnerability of Finances

While money is a story — an illusion, really — it is an agreement our culture has made. Its values are so often completely out of alignment with our highest selves. Explore with us the vulnerability of money. Order of Service Gathering Hymn: #346, Come Sing a Song With Me  Gathering Hymn: #361, Enter Rejoice … Continue reading Vulnerability of Finances

Vulnerability of Family

Our birth families and our chosen ones. Families can be containers of trauma, or foundations of love and encouragement. Reflect with us on family – yours – ours. Order of Service Gathering Hymns Welcome  Opening Hymn: “Rainbow Connection” Sing along with Kermit  Land Acknowledgment:  Chalice Lighting  Call to Worship SoUUlful Families Ministry Book:  My Heart   … Continue reading Vulnerability of Family