Speaker: Jennifer Koney

Earth Day

Join us as we explore our 7th Unitarian Universalist principle: respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. Guest minister Rev. Jim Lewis shares his reflections. Church member Jennifer Koney shares her experience of “Environmental Justice as a Spiritual Practice Expressed Through Art.” 


We are living in immensely difficult times. Deep societal issues including racism, economic inequality, and environmental injustice mar our current lives and threaten to harm the lives of future generations. There are no easy remedies to these community ills, but returning to the practice of covenant may offer a path forward. Living in covenant creates … Continue reading Covenant

Shared Ministry

Please join Jennifer Koney, President of the Board of Trustees, and Beth Ogilvie from the Committee on Ministry in an exploration of shared ministry and what it means to the Board, the COM, and to each of us as members of this beloved community.